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#+-| 15.3.8 |------------------------+########################################
#| +--------+ System Functions Table |########################################
####| The system functions return information about the computer system   |###
####| running your FORCE compiled program.  They also provide information |###
####| about the DOS operating environment.                                |###
##+--| Function |------------| Usage |-------------------------------------+##
##| chdir ............. Changes DOS directory for specific drive.          |##
##| critical .......... Assigns a User Defined Function to be the DOS      |##
##|                     critical error handler.                            |##
##| curdir ............ Returns the current DOS directory.                 |##
##| curdrive .......... Returns the current DOS drive.                     |##
##| diskspace ......... Returns the number of free bytes on the            |##
##|                     specified drive.                                   |##
##| equipment ......... Returns computer equipment list from BIOS.         |##
##| exists ............ Returns TRUE if a disk file exists.                |##
##| filesize .......... Returns the size of a disk file in bytes.          |##
##| find_fattr ........ Returns attribute of file located through          |##
##|                     find_first() and find_next() functions.            |##
##| find_fdate ........ Returns file date found through find_first(),      |##
##|                     find_next() functions.                             |##
##| find_fext ......... Returns extension name of file located through     |##
##|                     find_first() and find_next() functions.            |##
##| find_first ........ Continues search for next logical file             |##
##|                     after find_first()                                 |##
##| get exec .......... Returns the executable path of current process.    |##
##| getenv ............ Returns the current value of a DOS                 |##
##|                     environmental variable.                            |##
##| iscolor ........... Returns TRUE if the color monitor is the           |##
##|                     current screen device.                             |##
##| mkdir ............. Makes a DOS directory.                             |##
##| more_handles ...... Allows for a maximum of 255 files to be opened     |##
##|                     at one time, regardless of DOS version.            |##
##|                     with blank spaces.                                 |##
##| os ................ Returns the DOS version as a character string.     |##
##| os_ver ............ Returns major and minor version of the             |##
##|                     operating system.                                  |##
##| path_of ........... Returns the path of a file.                        |##
##| rmdir ............. Removes a DOS directory.                           |##
##| select_drive ...... Selects disk.                                      |##
##| time .............. Returns current system time as a character string. |##
##| today ............. Returns the current system date.                   |##
##| version ........... Returns current version of FORCE library.          |##

See Also: The Escape Hatch BBS System - 703-373-0575 - Dual/HST Powered!
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